All across the country, Mommy Makeovers are quickly becoming a popular way for women to renew and reinvigorate their bodies after having children. A Mommy Makeover at our Marietta practice is highly customizable, although it typically includes a tummy tuck, liposuction, and some form of breast enhancement. But with the many options that exist even within these 3 procedures, the possibilities can be daunting.
We recently added a Mommy Makeover Breast Enhancement Options page to our main site to help patients decide which type of breast surgery may be best for them. We hope that this page serves as a valuable, reliable resource for women considering a breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation at our Marietta, GA practice to complement the rest of their Mommy Makeover procedures.
We’ve broken down each option into brief bullet points that are easy to compare. We understand that pregnancy, childbirth, and aging affect the bodies of different women in different ways, and we emphasize the importance of choosing the option that’s best suited to your own unique needs.
We invite you to check out the new page and begin your journey on the road to a more confident you!
Your Source for Breast Enhancement Info for a Mommy Makeover

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